Tuesday 31 July 2012

I'm still here...

Good Morning...
I know I said I was hoping to get going on some craft but I just haven't seemed to have time in the week so far...sob sob!But I will...It's my brothers girlfriend's birthday at the weekend and i'm hoping to make her something special so I will have photographs of that soon. Hopefully I can start it tonight after work.
My friend was telling me about a Scrapbooking class available soon. It's £8 a week but they provide all the resources, so it's not bad going really. Just got me thinking on what I would like mine to include and not sure what I want the scrapbook to be about yet. Here are some designs I like...
I love this because it has butterflys on and my favourite flower Gerbera!
I love all these different kinds of pink butterfly's too.

What have you done on your scrapbooks and have you got any tips for me? Hope you all have a lovely day, the sun is shinning here so will probably take the children to the local park :o)

Love Colleen

Sunday 29 July 2012


Good evening!
Today me, my partner and his little girl went to a lovely horse sanctuary. It was a beautiful day for it too. The horse sanctuary is for rescued horses and donkey's.. As we went along the paddocks there was signs and information about the animals and what had happened to them and why they were rescued. It was so sad but I felt joy when I could see how happy the animals were now and to know that they were safe from harm. I can never understand why some people want to hurt animals it angers me so much. Thank goodness we have places like this to help these beautiful creatures. The horse sanctuary relies on 100% donations from the public, they don't even make you pay to go in. How brilliant of these people to give up their time. I just thought I would share a photograph of one of the lovely ponies.
Hope you have all had a brilliant weekend and had lots of things to smile at.
See you tomorrow and I might even have something exciting to show you, just hope I get the time to start it...thanks goodness for Monday afternoons off!

Love Colleen

Saturday 28 July 2012

2nd photo to make me smile....

Ok it's 10:30 in the UK and it has took me a while to find my second smiley picture! I finally found it...I'm round my best friends house for the night drinking mojitos and vodka and coke. Having a brilliant time listening to old songs which made us smile and have really great times....songs we have replayed on is Cascada-every time we touch. And R&B love songs! Then my Tweedle (best friend) got the face masks out. Here is some photos to make you smile... Good night xx


Good Afternoon!
Well I've had a lovely afternoon knitting...I then had a little wonder over to Heart Handmade UK. I noticed this lovely blog had some tutorials and that is when I saw the lovely Calligraphy. So I thought I would give it a shot...
I really enjoyed trying to change my writing style, although some of the letters were very challenging such as the small r and s. I always practice in pencil first and then go over the lines using my pretty pens...why not give it a go yourself http://www.hearthandmade.co.uk/2012/03/journalling-resources-how-to-create.html
If you are wondering how I get these pretty boarders on my photos it is from the iPhone app Instagram which I love love love and it is worth every penny.
Let me know what you think and if you have any tips for me...

Love Colleen x

My first photograph!

I left my blog about 30 minutes ago and as soon as I left my house I found the first thing that made me smile...a flower randomly sitting down the alley way near my house. It's not just any flower it's my favourite...Gerbera!!

This beautiful Gerbera is now sitting lovely in my car :-)

Off to find photography number two!

The Beginning...

Good Morning...
This is my first ever blog post and I feel a tad nervous because I have looked at so many amazing blogs over the last week or so. I have really been humming and haring whether to begin my own one. I suppose this blog speaks for itself and I decided I would give it a shot. 

This year has been a tough one and I really feel I owe myself some me time and to enjoy something for myself. I have always loved going into shops that sell handmade items. I could look for hours, sometimes when I look at the pretty things I really can't believe the talent some people are gifted with. I'm afraid as a beginner I wouldn't say I have that talent....YET! But I really hope one day after all my practicing and hard work I could make pretty things to sell. At the moment I'm just making pretty things for myself and my family. 

This is my first ever project...I know I know it doesn't look like much now but it will be amazing once it is finished. The reason behind this project is because my Nanny and I started this a few months ago. I said to her that I really wanted her to teach me how to knit and I wanted a nice blanket ready for those winter days snuggled on the couch. I picked knitting up quite quickly perhaps it was because Nanny had so much patience. Sadly my Nanny passed away in May so we didn't get to finish the blanket together, however I now want to finish what she helped me start. The patchwork is going to be lemon and white and on the inner side I want a material filled with butterflies. My first confession is I kind of have an obsession with butterflies, someone once told me butterflies are spirits. This has kind of stuck with me and now whenever I see a butterfly I can't help but watch it until it's out of sight. On the front of the patchwork I'm going to sew on some random butterflies too.  
I recently had a special tattoo done and I'm one of those people who thought I would never sit in that tattooist chair, but I did and I am so glad I did. Here is a little more on my obsession with butterflies...
Every time I look down at my wrist it really makes me smile...I love tattoos but I like them to have a meaning (well on myself). The butterflies resemble the people in my life who have passed on to that special place. The pink is for my Nanny, the green is for my Irish Grandad and the blue is for my Auntie. She had blue at her wedding. I hope you don't think I'm being negative because I'm really not. I just wanted to share with you my biggest inspirations and they are these three special people. I'm hoping they will send me signs to help inspire me with my art and craft.

Wow...this is turning out to be a rather long blog hope it hasn't bored you too much ;o) My aim today is to take photographs of at least two things that make me smile...what's going to be your aim today? 
I am now off for my third jog of the week hoping that means a good weight loss on Tuesday...Yes I am afraid I'm a person that struggles with my weight and hopefully one day I will find my happy place. 

Anyways it was nice sharing with you, by the end of my first blog my nerves have gone and butterflies of excitement have filled my tummy. Can't wait to look round some more blogs for more inspiring ideas of art and crafts and maybe cupcakes if I feel brave one day...Have a great day.

Love Colleen x